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The weekend of my first attunement to Reiki in January 1996 was one of my most beautiful experiences. Reiki teachers in those days were quite scarce and I traveled cross country 187 miles the evening before, to get the next morning to the venue of one that appealed to me on the phone. The training took place in a wooden chalet. It was Winter. I thought I was going to have an enjoyable break from work and my usual commitments after which life will continue as before. The entire weekend turned out to be wonderful. I met a new variety of people. They seemed of a kind I have not met in organizational management, and I felt good in their company. I did not feel much in terms of energy, and I did not feel any different after the attunements, but I was leaving the place quite elated. Life has not been the same, since. My hands started unstoppably pouring energy 48 hours after my attunement, and my feet hardly touched the ground for about a week. My management colleagues were quite amused by my experiences, but I knew I did something wonderful. It felt like coming home. I took Reiki II in order to be able to send distance healing to my father who still lived in Slovakia. On the evening of the attunement to Reiki II I sent him healing, and the next morning on the telephone he sounded a new man. I knew then that I will take healing as far as it takes me. On the 14th July 1996 I became a Reiki Master, and on the 28th July 1996 I was made to wave good-bye to my conventional pursuits. To date I cherish Reiki as my gateway to fulfillment.

Reiki Master

An article reporting on feedback by people I worked with, from 2000.

I started teaching Reiki with all of my heart, and I expected everyone to respond to Reiki with the same level of dedication and sincerity. I was getting unprecedented results in healing, and I gained respect and recognition as a Reiki healer, not just a teacher, which was quite unusual and very rewarding. A small core group of people I worked with remained for several years exceptionally loyal and dedicated. I loved my work and was putting it before my private life. I was the leader of the Cheltenham Reiki Group from 1997 to 2002. But as Reiki was getting more commercialised and there were growing attempts to control and to cash in on Reiki in some quarters, I became increasingly concerned about my role in relation to Reiki. I saw in my Reiki work my mission, not a business, and I refused to follow the path that some commercially successful Reiki people took. By November 2002, I wondered where my path was leading from there on. One evening I went to lie down to meditate in the hope that I will receive guidance. Then I heard the echoing voice inside me calling: "Ave Maria!". My Spirit Guide made conscious contact with me for the first time. By December 2002 Lysseus gave me Dhaxem as a complete system of healing, and he advised me to disassociate myself from the commercial aspects of the Reiki movement. The Spirit of Dr. Usui helped to develop Dhaxem I, II and III, and he occasionally assists with healing. The new system turned out to be very powerful, and I now work with Divine energies. To a pure person everything seems pure, and to me Reiki is a pure form of energy which will continue serving those who retain own purity in their attitudes to Reiki.

Nature of the Reiki energies

Reiki channels Universal energy which is everywhere and it permeates everything. It is focused into the candidate's hands during an attunement. Universal energy can help to accelerate physical healing. It is perceived as very pleasant and soothing by people or animals receiving it. With Reiki II the mental and emotional plane is reached. A dedicated Reiki healer is likely to effectively reach the Soul level of healing with Reiki III. Divine energies working through the Soul plane incorporate Universal energies, but not vice versa.

I was initially taught the Western style of Reiki based on the symbols, and it worked wonders for me. I later took a Japanese style based on kotodama (sounds) claiming to be the original Usui method, and a colleague attuned me to a Reiki style used in the Balkans. None of my subsequent Reiki attunements changed longer term anything whatsoever on the energies that I channeled from the beginning. Once a person is effectively fully attuned, they are attuned, and further attunements if carried out sincerely are but an act of goodwill from one person to the other. Subsequent attunements to different forms of Reiki take on additional power only where the initial Reiki form did not take full effect. In some instances subsequent attunements by other teachers diminish the original power. Unlike the general belief, it is not true that an attunement is always for life, and that it stays with the person regardless of how they treat Reiki. The gift will stay with the person only for as long as the person respects it, and the teacher, who shared it with them in good faith. Once the person loses their power of healing due to own attitudes to healing, no amount of re-attunements will restore it. An attunement is not a technical matter affected by human beings, but a spiritual matter affected by Spirit Guides. It is very common to find people attuned by the same person at the same time of whom a year later one will say that their gift is wonderful, and others will say that Reiki did something for them for a short while, but then it dwindled away. Reiki does not dwindle away, it just does not stay with people who see little or no worth in it.

Is Reiki a Buddhist practice? Initially, and in line with the Reiki traditions, I believed that I was a Buddhist and that I was channelling the energies of Buddha at Soul level. I was surprised when a few years later at another workshop where different types of energies were explored, I recognised that I had always been channelling the energies of Christ, and having also had the opportunity to compare Christ's energies with others, I realised that his were the most powerful and pure. Learning further about the Cathars and their teachings has dissolved my perception of an apparent division between the values of Buddhism and Christianity which in effect, is not there.

The Reiki energies that a healer channels are coloured by the healer's own Soul. No two Reiki healers will work with identical energies.

Reiki Tuition

Reiki tuition and practice consists of four levels. Some people divide them into three and there are those who offer the complete package over a weekend. I taught Reiki in four stages: Reiki I, II, and III, Master Practitioner, and Master Teacher. I used to work systematically with each person, taking them step by step at a pace that suited them. I find combined attunements unsuitable, least of all because every level attracts a different level of energy vibrations. Only by separating the levels and allowing time to experience each, can the person understand them, and use the benefit of each level to the best of their ability. Setting a rigid time limit between attunements is equally unacceptable because people seldom progress at the same rate.

As a teacher I am available to work with a person from level one to as far as they want to take healing. I give every person full support following an attunement, and I answer by e-mail within not more than 24 hours any questions that may arise later. On rare occasions in the past I accepted for a subsequent attunement someone previously attuned by someone else. In each case I found it to have been a mistake. Just as my Spirit Guide oversees who asks for my tuition, people would have been guided to someone else for a reason.

I attuned to Reiki people between the ages of seven and eighty-four. To me each attunement was a sacred experience. Working with children feels particularly pure and rewarding, for children have no inhibitions. My workshops are experiential, and the focus is on the spiritual aspect of healing. I teach no finite techniques of laying hands or holding them above the body. Healing is a spiritual discipline where the technique follows the cause. Good healers follow their intuition. Carrying due respect for the laws of spirituality is what tends to make people's energies more powerful, not a procedure, a technique, or a membership of an organization. I incorporate past life work into my workshops and the Master level is actual Soul work.

During 2003-2004, people who remained loyal to my tuition enjoyed free Dhaxem re-attunements to the same level of healing to which they took Reiki.

In relation to sought attunements, I appreciate understanding the candidate's reasons and why they may wish to choose me as the teacher. Such information enables me to do my best for each candidate. In my belief that the person will treat healing energies with respect and sincerity, I give an attunement that will stay with the person for as long as they respect the principles.

I would appreciate every new candidate for Reiki to briefly explain, please, what guides them to seek an attunement, and why from me.

I wish every candidate fulfillment and success in their healing pursuit.


Reiki Sessions

Reiki healing sessions consist of one hour of healing by hands.

Reiki Price List:
  Reiki I £ 110
  Reiki II £135
  Reiki Master Practitioner £280
  Reiki Master Teacher £370
  One hour Reiki session £25
My understanding about Reiki was published in Richard Briers' Green Life 2000 directory

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